Anthea Rowe - Exmplify Consulting
Anthea Rowe - Exmplify Consulting
What was your personal motivation to start your business?
I know many talented, hardworking corporate professionals who feel stalled in their careers and frustrated at not achieving their ambitions. After 20 years as a PR professional, I also realized the aspect of my corporate work I enjoyed most - and my greatest strength - was helping others explain what they do and why it matters.
I know many talented, hardworking corporate professionals who feel stalled in their careers and frustrated at not achieving their ambitions. After 20 years as a PR professional, I also realized the aspect of my corporate work I enjoyed most - and my greatest strength - was helping others explain what they do and why it matters.
So, I asked myself: If senior executives have advisors and PR agencies to coach them on presence, communication and branding, why shouldn't everyone else? The answer to that question was a PR agency for individuals: communication coaching that helps mid-career professionals create impact and get promoted.
How has being an entrepreneur improved your life?
Being an entrepreneur has improved my life by allowing me to do meaningful work with exceptional people. As an in-house employee, you can't choose your colleagues, your leaders or your customers. But as an entrepreneur, I can choose the partners, vendors, and clients I work with. I'm grateful to collaborate with many smart, humble people who care about making an impact.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
My proudest accomplishment was when a client received her dream job within 10 days of hiring me. By having a clear career story and updated resume, she was able to quickly jump on a job opportunity she might otherwise have felt unprepared for. Instead, she landed a senior role at a new company with more responsibility and a 20% pay increase.
I can't guarantee the same results in 10 days for others, but her success is a testament to the benefits of proactively managing your career.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Trust that you have value to offer. Not everyone will buy what you're selling. In fact, by definition, most people won't. But many people currently grappling with a problem are eager for your unique solution.
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